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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Alfresco Search Examples

Refer to the search criteria examples provided in the following table to better understand how to perform content searches in Share.

To locate...Enter the search criteria...This searches...
the word banana anywhere it existsbananaor
names, titles, descriptions, blog comments, and content in all page components
Performing the search without a qualifier expands the search to include tags.
the exact phrase banana peel anywhere it exists"banana peel"names, titles, descriptions, blog comments, and content in all page components
the words bananapeel, and slipperywhere they all appear together in any order or positionbanana AND peel AND slipperynames, titles, descriptions, blog comments, and content in all page components
content containing any of the wordsbananapeel, and slipperybanana peel slippery
banana OR peel OR slippery
names, titles, descriptions, blog comments, and content in all page components
the word banana where it is used in a titletitle:bananatitles in the Wiki, Blog, Document Library, Discussions, and Data List page components
the word banana where it is used in a namename:banananames of folders and content items in the Document Library page component and titles in the Wiki page component
the word banana where it is used in the descriptiondescription:bananadescriptions of folders and content items in the Document Library page component and of lists in the Data Lists page component
the word banana where it is used in site contentTEXT:bananawiki pages; blog postings and comments; content items; and discussion items and replies
content created on May 26, 2010created:"2010-05-26"wiki pages, blog postings, library folders, content items, events, links, discussion topics, and data lists, including comments made on this content
content created between May 26 and May 31, 2010created:["2010-05-26" to "2010-05-31"]wiki pages, blog postings, library folders, content items, events, links, discussion topics, and data lists, including comments made on this content
any content modified on May 26, 2010modified:"2010-05-26"wiki pages, blog postings, library folders, content items, events, links, discussion topics, and data lists, including comments made on this content
any content modified between May 26 and May 31, 2010modified:["2010-05-26" to "2010-05-31"]wiki pages, blog postings, library folders, content items, events, links, discussion topics, and data lists, including comments made on this content
any content created by a specific usercreator:username
Replace usernamewith the appropriate Share user name.
wiki pages, blog postings, library folders, content items, events, links, discussion topics, and data lists, including comments made on this content
any content modified by a specific usermodifier:username
Replace usernamewith the appropriate Share user name.
wiki pages, blog postings, library folders, content items, events, links, discussion topics, and data lists, including comments made on this content
any content containing the letter sequence useThe results returned will include references to useuserreuse, etc.TEXT:*use*wiki pages, blog postings, library folders, content items, and discussion topics, including comments made on this content

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  1. http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Full_Text_Search_Query_Syntax#Templates
    has examples for fts

  2. Default search works with the query
    template: "%(cm:name cm:title cm:description ia:whatEvent ia:descriptionEvent lnk:title lnk:description TEXT TAG)"
