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Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Below link explains the steps given by Alfresco Team to have FTR setted up

Installation of FTR
1. download alfresco-enterprise-file-transfer-receiver-4.0.0.zip file
2. extract the file to E:\Dumps\Alfresco4.0\alfrescoftr Try avoiding the special characters
in the path of the file
3. run the command java -jar file-transfer-receiver.jar

FSTR/FTR behaviour
1. FTR handles deetion
2. if the file metadata is changed then the file will not be deployed.
if the content of the file is been changed then the file will be deployed to the server

Steps to do the deployment
1. FTR handles deletion of files and folders from the source location
2. if the file metadata is changed then the file will not be deployed.
if the content of the file is been changed then the file will be deployed
to the server
3. So for working only with the normal content of the type cm:folder

1. Created site5
2. inside documentlibrary create folder by name testing and subfolders and upload the files
3. Go to Datadaictionary and Transfers
Create the new transfer with below values
Name: site5transfer
Endpoint Host:*localhost
Endpoint Port:*9090
Endpoint Path:*/alfresco-ftr/service/api/transfer
Endpoint Protocol:*http
Root Folder : Companyhome/Sites/Site5/documentLibrary
And check the flag enabled

From the admin console Replication Console create the job with the values
Payload : Companyhome/Sites/Site5/documentLibrary/testing
Transfer Target : previously created Transfer to site5transfer

Make it enabled

Now run the job and see the folders getting created in E:\Dumps\Alfresco4.0\alfrescoftr\ftr-root

Thursday, March 22, 2012

JSR-168 and JSR-286 specifications difference

1. Inter portlet communicaiton (IPC) - IPC through events and public render parameters
2. Support for WSRP 2.0
3. Public render paremeters - Allows portlets to share parameters with other portlets.
4. Portlet filters and listeners.
5. Resource serving - Provide ability for portlets to server a resource
6. AJAX support

Liferay Architecture links


Thursday, March 15, 2012

CMIS with Alfresco and Liferay6.1

1. Alfresco side
create the use with the userid : joebloggs and password test1 and add him to
adminstrator group

2. Liferay side
In the portal-ext.properties add the below settings

The user authentication can be changed to screen name from email address in liferay side

portal-ext.properties have to be in the location


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

UML Analysis tools

Enterprse Architect
Rational Rose/Rational Application Developer

Entity RelationshipDiagrams


TOGAF framework
Zachman Framework

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hardware Configurations

OS : CENTOS LINUX 6 (64bit).
Database : PostgreSQL 9.1

Model: HP DL380G7
Processor: Xeon5687 3.60 GHz / 4Core
HDD: 6 x 300GB

Alfresco environment validation



Alfresco environment validation


Remote machine setup for Open office

Remote Machine Setup

On the remote machine create a script to launch OpenOffice that contains

'' "-accept=socket,host=,port=;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -nologo -headless &

This will start an instance of OpenOffice running on the machine. If this machine is running headless, follow the instructions here to configure the virtual framebuffer.


'/usr/bin/soffice' "-accept=socket,host=,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -nologo -headless &

You can use an init script like this as well. If you have a firewall enabled on this machine, make sure your firewall is open for the port specified.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Tutorials


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012




Exposing Spring Beans as JMX Mbeans

package org.springframework.jmx;

public class JmxTestBean {

private String name;
private int age;
private boolean isSuperman;

public int getAge() {
return age;

public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;

public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;

public String getName() {
return name;

public int add(int x, int y) {
return x + y;

public void dontExposeMe() {
throw new RuntimeException();

Create the jar out of the source and deploy it
to Alfresco WEB_INF/lib folder

ANd move the context file to server shared folder

Now you will be able to see the name bean in Mbeans
section. Here we can change the values by calling
different methods/operations.

Spring Exam


Monday, March 5, 2012


Command to start Jconsole with the plugins is as below

C:\Documents and Settings\basanagowda.patil>jconsole -pluginpath C:/Java/jdk1.6.0_11/demo/management/JTop/JTop.jar

It will add the tab JTOP which gives the memory usage of the threads