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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Clustering in Alfresco Multi Tenant Environment

Clustering in multi teanant environment is same as we do in single tenant environemnt.
Only condition we need to take care here is content store location. We should allow alfresco to use the default content store.

create patil.com patil

DOnts specify the location where it has to be created.

Some of the steps I follwed in Alfresco 3.3.3 are as below

1. start the first server as usual. by configuring dir.root. check there are no errors
2. Rename the replication file, configure remote store location as well.
configure the shared drive location

location has to be given till content store


start the server, check for exceptions. If not stop the server.

3. Now copy alf_data to serverB,keep database name same as previous one. change the index tracking to auto and give the cluster name and give the index rebuilding.Property file will have the path for the
local contentstore.
4. Restart the server.
5.stop server
5. Now again start the second server by renaming the replication.xml and using the local and shared content stores in xml with the same database.
6. Now start server A

7. Test by creating content in another server it has to be reflected in server1

Now we will move to detection of server:
There are 2 ways of doing it
1. Using default EhCache
2. Using jgroups for the configuration. It will be matter of configuration in the ehcache.xml

To start with use the default RMIdection(EhCache) which is been followed from long back.

Alfresco requires servers to discover each other on a network in order to set up cluster communications.
Before V3.1, this discovery process was done using a UDP multicast message (provided by EHCache); servers in the cluster picked
the message up and used the information to set up inter-server communication for inter-cache communication.

Now run all the test conditions to verify
1.Cache clustering : by changing the property of a content
2 Index clustering : By performing search.
3.Content replication/sharing : By checking the content created in one server exists in another server.

Now test the cluster.

Start the servers in sequence. Only when the first server is up then start the second server.

Note : Make sure not to give the tenant creation location while creating the tenant through the tenant console.
create the tenant in one server and then restart another server to make contents get created.Otherwise exception will be thrown.

Once done create the content in one store. It will be reflected in another store.

1 comment:

  1. create zzz.com l3tm31n /usr/tenantstores/zzz

    This is the command we can use to create the workspace specific to the location for each tenant
