The above bean declaration is using properties defined in the which are speciic to site.
In the run time these values will be used by MS office.
alfresco-vti-3.4.5.jar is using the code required for the sharepoint communication.
AlfrescoDwsServiceHandler has the implementation to replace the node id urls
String uuid = req.getParameter("nodeId");
String uri = req.getRequestURI();
String redirectTo;
if (uuid != null)
// open site in browser
final NodeRef siteNodeRef = new NodeRef(StoreRef.STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE, uuid.toLowerCase());
redirectTo = pagesMap.get("siteInBrowser");
redirectTo = redirectTo.replace("...", siteNodeRef.getId());
Communication happens with MS office docs using WebService response.
It talks about what info is required for integration in the class DwsServiceHandler
* Returns information about a document workspace site and the lists it contains
* @param document the site-based URL of a document in a document library in the document workspace site
* @param id an optional document globally unique identifier (GUID)
* @param minimal determines whether the output includes information about the schemas, lists, documents, links, and tasks lists of a document workspace site
* @return DwsMetadata information about a document workspace site and the lists it contains ({@link DwsMetadata})
public DwsMetadata getDWSMetaData(String documentURL, String id, boolean minimal) throws Exception;
If we have to support sharepoint protocol then we should have details about tasks,links and document list but in the normal doc we will not have this information.
The server will be done using the bean
The logs are as below
05:50:18,573 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiFilter] Checking request for VTI
05:50:18,573 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiFilter] Check authentication
05:50:18,591 DEBUG [module.vti.handler] Resolved file info for 'templatechange/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll' is null
05:50:18,596 DEBUG [module.vti.handler] Resolved file info for 'templatechange/_vti_bin/_vti_aut' is null
05:50:18,600 DEBUG [module.vti.handler] Resolved file info for 'templatechange/_vti_bin' is null
05:50:18,607 DEBUG [module.vti.handler] Resolved file info for 'templatechange' is FileInfo[name=templatechange, isFolder=true, nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/cb5eb9d0-81ad-43d3-8ef7-c059b1b88704]
05:50:18,617 DEBUG [alfresco.v3.AlfrescoMethodHandler] WebUrl: /alfresco/templatechange, fileUrl: '_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll'
05:50:18,634 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiFilter] User was authenticated successfully
05:50:18,635 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Process request
05:50:18,635 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Find appropriate action by specific rules
05:50:18,635 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Specific rule not found
05:50:18,635 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Find appropriate action by pattern for uri='/templatechange/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll'
05:50:18,635 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Action found for request
05:50:18,635 DEBUG [vti.web.VtiRequestDispatcher] Execute target action
05:50:18,636 DEBUG [web.actions.VtiBinAction] Executing vtiMethod: org.alfresco.module.vti.web.fp.CheckoutDocumentMethod@3941f799
05:50:18,636 DEBUG [web.fp.CheckoutDocumentMethod] Start method execution. Method name: checkout document
05:50:18,636 DEBUG [handler.alfresco.AbstractAlfrescoMethodHandler] Checkout document: documentLibrary/test.doc. Site name: templatechange
05:50:18,647 DEBUG [module.vti.handler] Resolved file info for 'templatechange/documentLibrary/test.doc' is FileInfo[name=test.doc, isFolder=false, nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/ee54a9a8-837a-43f1-b02e-276d2603861a]
05:50:18,704 DEBUG [handler.alfresco.AbstractAlfrescoMethodHandler] Short-term checkout.
05:50:18,870 DEBUG [module.vti.handler] Convert FileInfo[name=test.doc, isFolder=false, nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/ee54a9a8-837a-43f1-b02e-276d2603861a] to url path 'templatechange/documentLibrary/test.doc'
05:50:18,871 DEBUG [web.fp.CheckoutDocumentMethod] End of method execution. Method name: checkout document
The flow will be
Filter → Handler →Request Dispatcher → Action(VtiBinAction) → Method
Authentication itself is been checked using the siteservice in the Group AlfrescoUserGroupServiceHandler.
* @see org.alfresco.module.vti.handler.UserGroupServiceHandler#isUserMember(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public boolean isUserMember(String dwsUrl, String username)
// Normalize the user ID taking into account case sensitivity settings
String normalized = personService.getUserIdentifier(username);
if (normalized == null)
return false;
boolean isMember = siteService.isMember(dwsUrl, normalized);
if (!isMember && authorityService.isAdminAuthority(username))
// Admin is allowed to do things even on sites they're not
// a member of. So, pretend they are a member so they're allowed
isMember = true;
return isMember;
In the DefaultAuthenticationHandler class it checks whether user belongs to site or not
authenticateRequest() → which inturn checks for whether user belongs to site or not. All the requests will be going through the filter and filter calls authentication code. There it fails since the user is not belonging to any of the site.
Conclusion :
All the requests will be passing through the filter which checks whether user belongs to any of the site or not. If the user is not member of the site then user will be stopped from accssing the document.
VtiFilter checks with authenticationhandler.
user = authenticationHandler.authenticateRequest(this.context, httpRequest, httpResponse, getAlfrescoContext());
public SessionUser authenticateRequest(ServletContext context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
String alfrescoContext) throws IOException, ServletException
if (delegate.authenticateRequest(context, request, response))
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session == null)
return null;
SessionUser user = (SessionUser) session.getAttribute(USER_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE);
if (user == null)
return null;
if(isSiteMember(request, alfrescoContext, user.getUserName()))
return user;
delegate.restartLoginChallenge(context, request, response);
return null;
It checks of the user belongs to site. If not it gives back null.
Next topic
* @see org.alfresco.module.vti.handler.MeetingServiceHandler#createWorkspace(String, String, int, TimeZoneInformation, SessionUser)
public String createWorkspace(String title, String templateName, int lcid, TimeZoneInformation timeZoneInformation, SessionUser user) throws Exception
title = removeIllegalCharacters(title);
if (title.equals("_"))
throw new RuntimeException(getMessage("vti.meeting.error.workspace_name"));
SiteInfo siteInfo = null;
String newTitle = null;
int i = 0;
newTitle = title + (i == 0 ? "" : "_" + i);
siteInfo = siteService.getSite(newTitle);
} while (siteInfo != null);
shareUtils.createSite(user, MEETING_WORKSPACE_NAME, newTitle, newTitle, "", true);
return newTitle;
Creation of the workspace leads to the creation of the site internally.
AlfrescoDwsServiceHandler and AlfrescoCheckOutCheckInServiceHandler these 2 handlers are most important and to be analysed to enable the online edit.
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