Creating Maven Projects
- mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com._3kbo -DartifactId=application (create a project for building a jar file )
- mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com._3kbo -DartifactId=webapplication -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp (create a web app project for building a war file)
- mvn archetype:generate (Select the number of the desired archetype.)
Building, Testing, Packaging and Installing to the Repository
- mvn clean (cleans the project, i.e. delete the target directory)
- mvn compile (compiles the source code)
- mvn test (if required compiles the source code, then runs the unit tests)
- mvn package (compiles, tests then packages the jar or war file)
- mvn clean install (cleans the project, compiles, tests, packages and installs the jar or war file)
- mvn install (compiles, tests, packages and installs the jar or war file)
- mvn -o install (compiles, tests, packages and installs the jar or war file in offline mode)
- mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package (package without running the tests)
- mvn -Dmaven.test.skip clean install (clean and install without running tests)
- mvn -o test (test offline)
Unit Tests
- mvn test –Dtest=AspectTest (run a specific test)
- mvn test -Dtest=*ModelTest (run a subset of tests using regular expression. E.g. test all ModelTest classes)
Excluding from jar file
Move from src/main/resources to src/test/resources.
That way it gets picked up by the testResources for testing but excluded from the jar file.
Manually Install a file to the Repository
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com._3kbo -DartifactId=model -Dversion=1.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=new_file.jar
Set Java Build Version
The mvn site command builds a useful dependency tree at target/site/dependencies.html.
- mvn site (generate documentation in the target/site directory)
- mvn javadoc:javadoc (generate javadoc in target/site/apidocs directory )
- mvn help:active-profiles (lists the profiles currently active)
- mvn help:effective-pom (displays the effective POM for the current build)
- mvn help:effective-settings (displays the calculated settings for the project, given any profile enhancement and the inheritance of the global settings into the user-level settings.)
- mvn help:describe (describes the attributes of a plugin)
For large projects mvn site can run out of memory. Use MAVEN_OPTS in the mvn or mvn.bat script to allocate additional memory, e.g:
MAVEN_OPTS=”-Xmx512m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m”
Maven Central
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