language basics of spark
var vs val
var : is the variable.
val is fixed.
var a=5
is possible
val b= 5
b = 7
scala> val b= 5
b: Int = 5
scala> b = 7
:27: error: reassignment to val
b = 7
We use var mostly. Use val as it gives immutable.
By default type is inferred, though we dont specify types.
val a : Int = 5
scala> val a : Int = 5
a: Int = 5
scala> val b =5
b: Int = 5
Boolean, Char, Double, Float, Long , Byte are the supported data types.
printing something
println("here is output")
scala> println("here is output")
here is output
In JAVA we have switch, similarly we case match. in switch we have to give break, in scall
we dont need break.
case _ == > default match
//for x in 1 to 10
for (x <-- 10="" 1="" nbsp="" p="" to=""> val squared = x* x
we have while and do while loop in scala
Always the last line of the statement will be returned from the expression.
"Returns" the final value in a block.
{ val x =10; x+20; 7}
scala> { val x =10; x+20; 7}
res3: Int = 7
{ val x =10; x+20}
scala> { val x =10; x+20}
res4: Int = 30
println({ val x =10; x+20})
scala> println({ val x =10; x+20})
Functional programming
As data engineers we are more worried about functional programming.
We should know how to create the functions not to worry about oops.
def squareIt(x: Int) : Int ={
scala> def squareIt(x: Int) : Int ={
| x*x
| }
squareIt: (x: Int)Int
scala> println(squareIt(4))
def cubeIt(x: Int) : Int ={x*x*x}
def transformInt(x:Int, f:Int=> Int) : Int = {
here we can give f, but same name should be given for f(x) any name.
val result = transformInt(2, squareIt)
scala> def transformInt(x:Int, f:Int=> Int) : Int = {
| f(x)
| }
transformInt: (x: Int, f: Int => Int)Int
scala> val result = transformInt(2, squareIt)
result: Int = 4
scala> println(result)
Higher order function
function can take input as function. Here squareIt is the function invoked
transformInt(3, x=>x*x*x)
Here we are passing anonymus function.
scala> transformInt(3, x=>x*x*x)
res11: Int = 27
def fivideByTwo(x: Int)={
transformInt(10, x=>x/2)
transformInt(2, x=> {val y = x*2;y*y})
scala> transformInt(3, x=>x*x*x)
res11: Int = 27
scala> transformInt(2, x=> {val y = x*2;y*y})
res12: Int = 16
scala> def fivideByTwo(x: Int)={
| x/2
| }
fivideByTwo: (x: Int)Int
scala> transformInt(10, x=>x/2)
res13: Int = 5
scala> transformInt(2, x=> {val y = x*2;y*y})
res14: Int = 16
tuple can hold elements of different data types. Its the light weight collection,
can be thought as A ROW
val captainStuff = ("Picard","Enterprise-D","NCC-1701-D")
Index is 1 based in tuple
scala> val captainStuff = ("Picard","Enterprise-D","NCC-1701-D")
captainStuff: (String, String, String) = (Picard,Enterprise-D,NCC-1701-D)
scala> println(captainStuff)
scala> println(captainStuff._1)
var vs val
var : is the variable.
val is fixed.
var a=5
is possible
val b= 5
b = 7
scala> val b= 5
b: Int = 5
scala> b = 7
b = 7
We use var mostly. Use val as it gives immutable.
By default type is inferred, though we dont specify types.
val a : Int = 5
scala> val a : Int = 5
a: Int = 5
scala> val b =5
b: Int = 5
Boolean, Char, Double, Float, Long , Byte are the supported data types.
printing something
println("here is output")
scala> println("here is output")
here is output
In JAVA we have switch, similarly we case match. in switch we have to give break, in scall
we dont need break.
case _ == > default match
//for x in 1 to 10
for (x <-- 10="" 1="" nbsp="" p="" to=""> val squared = x* x
we have while and do while loop in scala
Always the last line of the statement will be returned from the expression.
"Returns" the final value in a block.
{ val x =10; x+20; 7}
scala> { val x =10; x+20; 7}
res3: Int = 7
{ val x =10; x+20}
scala> { val x =10; x+20}
res4: Int = 30
println({ val x =10; x+20})
scala> println({ val x =10; x+20})
Functional programming
As data engineers we are more worried about functional programming.
We should know how to create the functions not to worry about oops.
def squareIt(x: Int) : Int ={
scala> def squareIt(x: Int) : Int ={
| x*x
| }
squareIt: (x: Int)Int
scala> println(squareIt(4))
def cubeIt(x: Int) : Int ={x*x*x}
def transformInt(x:Int, f:Int=> Int) : Int = {
here we can give f, but same name should be given for f(x) any name.
val result = transformInt(2, squareIt)
scala> def transformInt(x:Int, f:Int=> Int) : Int = {
| f(x)
| }
transformInt: (x: Int, f: Int => Int)Int
scala> val result = transformInt(2, squareIt)
result: Int = 4
scala> println(result)
Higher order function
function can take input as function. Here squareIt is the function invoked
transformInt(3, x=>x*x*x)
Here we are passing anonymus function.
scala> transformInt(3, x=>x*x*x)
res11: Int = 27
def fivideByTwo(x: Int)={
transformInt(10, x=>x/2)
transformInt(2, x=> {val y = x*2;y*y})
scala> transformInt(3, x=>x*x*x)
res11: Int = 27
scala> transformInt(2, x=> {val y = x*2;y*y})
res12: Int = 16
scala> def fivideByTwo(x: Int)={
| x/2
| }
fivideByTwo: (x: Int)Int
scala> transformInt(10, x=>x/2)
res13: Int = 5
scala> transformInt(2, x=> {val y = x*2;y*y})
res14: Int = 16
tuple can hold elements of different data types. Its the light weight collection,
can be thought as A ROW
val captainStuff = ("Picard","Enterprise-D","NCC-1701-D")
Index is 1 based in tuple
scala> val captainStuff = ("Picard","Enterprise-D","NCC-1701-D")
captainStuff: (String, String, String) = (Picard,Enterprise-D,NCC-1701-D)
scala> println(captainStuff)
scala> println(captainStuff._1)
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