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Sunday, March 13, 2011

WebServices of Alfresco

End point to access the Authority WebService


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All these services are implemented in JAX-RPC protocol(Validate this once)

package org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration;

public interface AdministrationServiceSoapPort extends java.rmi.Remote {

* Gets the details of the requested users.
public org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserQueryResults queryUsers(org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserFilter filter) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationFault;

* Fetch the next bathc of users from an existing user query.
public org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserQueryResults fetchMoreUsers(java.lang.String querySession) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationFault;

* Get the details of a specified user.
public org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserDetails getUser(java.lang.String userName) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationFault;

* Create new users with the details provided.
public org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserDetails[] createUsers(org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.NewUserDetails[] newUsers) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationFault;

* Updates the details of the specified users.
public org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserDetails[] updateUsers(org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserDetails[] users) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationFault;

* Changes the password of the specified user.
public void changePassword(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationFault;

* Delete the specified users.
public void deleteUsers(java.lang.String[] userNames) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationFault;

A pattern called "WSDL First" is generally considered the best approach for developing interoperable web services. We have defined the schemas for all the types we'll use in the web services and are in the process of defining the WSDL for each of the services.

Once the WSDL is defined we use Axis's WSDL2Java tool to generate the classes required to support the service. We then write a class implementing the generated interface for the service and add setters for all the services that need to be injected by Spring. This class is then referenced in web-services-application-context.xml so that it can be referenced by server-config.wsdd using the Axis/Spring integration.

One of the class implementation is given below
* Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited.
* This file is part of Alfresco
* Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Alfresco. If not, see .
package org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException;
import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel;
import org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback;
import org.alfresco.repo.webservice.AbstractWebService;
import org.alfresco.repo.webservice.Utils;
import org.alfresco.repo.webservice.action.ActionFault;
import org.alfresco.repo.webservice.repository.RepositoryFault;
import org.alfresco.repo.webservice.types.NamedValue;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.datatype.DefaultTypeConverter;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.security.AuthorityService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.security.MutableAuthenticationService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.security.PersonService;
import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName;
import org.alfresco.service.transaction.TransactionService;
import org.apache.axis.MessageContext;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

* @author Roy Wetherall
public class AdministrationWebService extends AbstractWebService implements
/** Log */
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AdministrationWebService.class);

/** The person service */
private PersonService personService = null;

* Indicates whether the user administration methods should manage the authentication
* details, or just the person details.
* Set this to true if an 3rd party authentication implementation has been pluged into
* the repository that manages authentication details.
private boolean manageAuthenticationDetails = true;

/** The authentication service */
private MutableAuthenticationService authenticationService = null;

private AuthorityService authorityService;

/** The transaction service */
private TransactionService transactionService = null;

/** A set of ignored properties */
private static Set ignoredProperties = new HashSet(3);

* Constructor
public AdministrationWebService()
// Set properties to ignore

* Set the flag that indicates whether this service should manage user authentication details as
* well as person details.
* @param manageAuthenticationDetails true if authentication details are managed, false otherwise
public void setManageAuthenticationDetails(boolean manageAuthenticationDetails)
this.manageAuthenticationDetails = manageAuthenticationDetails;

* Set the transaction service
* @param transactionService the transaction service
public void setTransactionService(TransactionService transactionService)
this.transactionService = transactionService;

* Set the person service
* @param personService sets the person service
public void setPersonService(PersonService personService)
this.personService = personService;

* Set the authentication service
* @param authenticationService the authentication service
public void setAuthenticationService(MutableAuthenticationService authenticationService)
this.authenticationService = authenticationService;

* Set the authority service used to determine admin rights.
* @param authorityService the service implementation
public void setAuthorityService(AuthorityService authorityService)
this.authorityService = authorityService;

* @see org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationServiceSoapPort#queryUsers(org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserFilter)
public UserQueryResults queryUsers(final UserFilter filter)
throws RemoteException, AdministrationFault
RetryingTransactionCallback callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback()
public UserQueryResults execute() throws Exception
return queryUsersImpl(filter);
return transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(callback);
catch (Throwable exception)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.error("Unexpected error occurred", exception);

throw new ActionFault(0, exception.getMessage());

* Query users, batch by set size
* @param filter used to filter results
* @return user query results, optionally batched
private UserQueryResults queryUsersImpl(UserFilter filter)
MessageContext msgContext = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();

// Create the query
UserQuery query = new UserQuery(filter);

// Create a user query session
UserQuerySession userQuerySession = new UserQuerySession(Long.MAX_VALUE, Utils.getBatchSize(msgContext), query);

// Get the next batch of results
UserQueryResults userQueryResults = userQuerySession.getNextResults(serviceRegistry);

String querySessionId = userQuerySession.getId();
// add the session to the cache if there are more results to come
boolean haveMoreResults = userQuerySession.haveMoreResults();
if (haveMoreResults)
querySessionCache.put(querySessionId, userQuerySession);

// Construct the return value
// TODO: http://issues.alfresco.com/browse/AR-1689
// This looks odd, but I've chosen to be specific about when the ID is set on the return
// results and when it isn't.
UserQueryResults result = new UserQueryResults(
haveMoreResults ? querySessionId : null,

// Done
return result;

* @see org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationServiceSoapPort#fetchMoreUsers(java.lang.String)
public UserQueryResults fetchMoreUsers(final String querySession)
throws RemoteException, AdministrationFault
RetryingTransactionCallback callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback()
public UserQueryResults execute() throws Exception
return fetchMoreUsersImpl(querySession);
return transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(callback);
catch (Throwable exception)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.error("Unexpected error occurred", exception);

throw new ActionFault(0, exception.getMessage());

* @param querySessionId
* @return
private UserQueryResults fetchMoreUsersImpl(String querySessionId) throws RepositoryFault
UserQuerySession session = null;
session = (UserQuerySession) querySessionCache.get(querySessionId);
catch (ClassCastException e)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Query session was not generated by the AdministrationWebService: " + querySessionId);
throw new RepositoryFault(
"querySession with id '" + querySessionId + "' is invalid");

UserQueryResults queryResult = null;
if (session != null)
queryResult = session.getNextResults(serviceRegistry);
if (!session.haveMoreResults())
// Update the cache instance so that it can trigger replication as required
querySessionCache.put(querySessionId, session);

return queryResult;

* @see org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationServiceSoapPort#getUser(java.lang.String)
public UserDetails getUser(final String userName) throws RemoteException, AdministrationFault
RetryingTransactionCallback callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback()
public UserDetails execute() throws Exception
return getUserImpl(userName);
return transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(callback);
catch (Throwable exception)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.error("Unexpected error occurred", exception);

throw new ActionFault(0, exception.getMessage());

* Get the user details
* @param userName the user name
* @return the user details object
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws AdministrationFault
private UserDetails getUserImpl(String userName)
NodeService nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService();
UserDetails userDetails = null;

if (this.personService.personExists(userName) == true)
NodeRef nodeRef = this.personService.getPerson(userName);
userDetails = createUserDetails(nodeService, userName, nodeRef);
// Throw an exception to indicate that the user does not exist
throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(MessageFormat.format("The user with name {0} does not exist.", new Object[]{userName}));

return userDetails;

* Given a valid person node reference will create a user details object
* @param nodeRef the node reference
* @return the user details object populated with the appropriate property values
/* package */ static UserDetails createUserDetails(NodeService nodeService, String userName, NodeRef nodeRef)
// Create the user details object
UserDetails userDetails = new UserDetails();

// Set the user name

// Set the various property values
Map properties = nodeService.getProperties(nodeRef);
List namedValues = new ArrayList(properties.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : properties.entrySet())
if (AdministrationWebService.ignoredProperties.contains(entry.getKey()) == false)
String value = null;
value = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, entry.getValue());
catch (Throwable exception)
value = entry.getValue().toString();
NamedValue namedValue = new NamedValue();
userDetails.setProperties((NamedValue[])namedValues.toArray(new NamedValue[namedValues.size()]));

return userDetails;

* @see org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationServiceSoapPort#createUsers(org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.NewUserDetails[])
public UserDetails[] createUsers(final NewUserDetails[] newUsers) throws RemoteException, AdministrationFault
RetryingTransactionCallback callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback()
public UserDetails[] execute() throws Exception
return createUsersImpl(newUsers);
return transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(callback);
catch (Throwable exception)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.error("Unexpected error occurred", exception);

throw new ActionFault(0, exception.getMessage());

* Create the new users
* @param newUsers the new users detail
* @return the details of the created users
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws AdministrationFault
private UserDetails[] createUsersImpl(NewUserDetails[] newUsers)
NodeService nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService();
UserDetails[] userDetails = new UserDetails[newUsers.length];

int index = 0;
for (NewUserDetails newUser : newUsers)
if (this.manageAuthenticationDetails == true)
// Create a new authentication
this.authenticationService.createAuthentication(newUser.getUserName(), newUser.getPassword().toCharArray());

// Create a new person
Map properties = new HashMap(7);
properties.put(ContentModel.PROP_USERNAME, newUser.getUserName());
for (NamedValue namedValue : newUser.getProperties())
properties.put(QName.createQName(namedValue.getName()), namedValue.getValue());
NodeRef personNodeRef = this.personService.createPerson(properties);

// Add the details to the result
userDetails[index] = createUserDetails(nodeService, newUser.getUserName(), personNodeRef);

return userDetails;

* @see org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationServiceSoapPort#updateUsers(org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.UserDetails[])
public UserDetails[] updateUsers(final UserDetails[] users) throws RemoteException, AdministrationFault
RetryingTransactionCallback callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback()
public UserDetails[] execute() throws Exception
return updateUsersImpl(users);
return transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(callback);
catch (Throwable exception)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.error("Unexpected error occurred", exception);

throw new ActionFault(0, exception.getMessage());

* Update the users details
* @param users the user details to update
* @return the updated user details
private UserDetails[] updateUsersImpl(UserDetails[] users)
NodeService nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService();
UserDetails[] userDetails = new UserDetails[users.length];

int index = 0;
for (UserDetails user : users)
// Build the property map
Map properties = new HashMap(7);
properties.put(ContentModel.PROP_USERNAME, user.getUserName());
for (NamedValue namedValue : user.getProperties())
properties.put(QName.createQName(namedValue.getName()), namedValue.getValue());

// Update the properties of the person
this.personService.setPersonProperties(user.getUserName(), properties);

// Add the details to the result
NodeRef nodeRef = this.personService.getPerson(user.getUserName());
userDetails[index] = createUserDetails(nodeService, user.getUserName(), nodeRef);

return userDetails;

* @see org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationServiceSoapPort#changePassword(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void changePassword(final String userName, final String oldPassword, final String newPassword) throws RemoteException, AdministrationFault
RetryingTransactionCallback callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback()
public Object execute() throws Exception
changePasswordImpl(userName, oldPassword, newPassword);
return null;
catch (Throwable exception)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.error("Unexpected error occurred", exception);

throw new ActionFault(0, exception.getMessage());

* Change the current password of the user
* @param userName the user name
* @param oldPassword the old (current) password
* @param newPassword the new password
private void changePasswordImpl(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
if (this.manageAuthenticationDetails == true)
// Update the authentication details
if (this.authorityService.hasAdminAuthority() == true)
this.authenticationService.setAuthentication(userName, newPassword.toCharArray());
this.authenticationService.updateAuthentication(userName, oldPassword.toCharArray(), newPassword.toCharArray());
throw new RuntimeException("Web service has been configured so that user authenticaiton details are not managed.");

* @see org.alfresco.repo.webservice.administration.AdministrationServiceSoapPort#deleteUsers(java.lang.String[])
public void deleteUsers(final String[] userNames) throws RemoteException,
RetryingTransactionCallback callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback()
public Object execute() throws Exception
return null;
catch (Throwable exception)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.error("Unexpected error occurred", exception);

throw new ActionFault(0, exception.getMessage());

* Delete users
* @param userNames the names of the users to delete
private void deleteUsersImpl(String[] userNames)
for (String userName : userNames)

1 comment:

  1. Hi thank you very much it helpful

    but do u know if i can search for task todo
    by using this webservice??

    i was able to authenticate and retrieve files and spaces
    but what im looking for is how can i get task todo for any user ?

