Code to get the Email Template
private NodeRef getEmailTemplateNodeRef()
StoreRef spacesStore = new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE, "SpacesStore");
String query = " PATH:\"app:company_home/app:dictionary/app:email_templates/cm:invite/cm:invite-email.ftl\"";
SearchParameters searchParams = new SearchParameters();
ResultSet results = null;
results = searchService.query(searchParams);
nodeRefs = results.getNodeRefs();
if (nodeRefs.size() == 1)
return nodeRefs.get(0);
throw new InvitationException("Cannot find the email templatte!");
catch (SearcherException e)
throw new InvitationException("Cannot find the email templatte!", e);
if (results != null)
Using the WorkflowTaskQuery
* Invitee accepts this invitation Nominated Invitaton process only
* @param invitationId the invitation id
* @param ticket the ticket produced when creating the invitation.
public Invitation accept(String invitationId, String ticket)
Invitation invitation = getInvitation(invitationId);
if (invitation instanceof NominatedInvitation)
// Check invitationId and ticket match
if (ticket == null || (!ticket.equals(((NominatedInvitation) invitation).getTicket())))
throw new InvitationException("Response to invite has supplied an invalid ticket. The response to the "
+ "invitation could thus not be processed");
* Nominated invitation complete the wf:invitePendingTask along the
* 'accept' transition because the invitation has been accepted
// create workflow task query
WorkflowTaskQuery wfTaskQuery = new WorkflowTaskQuery();
// set the given invite ID as the workflow process ID in the
// workflow query
// find incomplete invite workflow tasks with given task name
// set process name to "wf:invite" so that only
// invite workflow instances are considered by this query
// query for invite workflow tasks with the constructed query
List wf_invite_tasks = workflowService.queryTasks(wfTaskQuery);
if (wf_invite_tasks.size() == 0)
Object objs[] = { invitationId };
throw new InvitationExceptionUserError("invitation.invite.already_finished", objs);
// end all tasks found with this name
for (WorkflowTask workflowTask : wf_invite_tasks)
workflowService.endTask(, WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_TRANSITION_ACCEPT);
return invitation;
throw new InvitationException("State error, cannot call accept a moderated invitation");
Code for Running as system user
AuthenticationUtil.runAs(new RunAsWork()
public Object doWork() throws Exception
NodeRef person = personService.createPerson(properties);
permissionService.setPermission(person, finalUserName, PermissionService.ALL_PERMISSIONS, true);
return null;
}, AuthenticationUtil.getSystemUserName());
Code to start workflow on the empty package. This illustration is been done in the
Inviting the external user to the Alfresco
* Starts the Invite workflow
* @param inviteeFirstName first name of invitee
* @param inviteeLastNamme last name of invitee
* @param inviteeEmail email address of invitee
* @param siteShortName short name of site that the invitee is being invited
* to by the inviter
* @param inviteeSiteRole role under which invitee is being invited to the
* site by the inviter
* @param serverPath externally accessible server address of server hosting
* invite web scripts
private NominatedInvitation startNominatedInvite(String inviteeFirstName, String inviteeLastName,
String inviteeEmail, String inviteeUserName, Invitation.ResourceType resourceType,
String siteShortName, String inviteeSiteRole, String serverPath, String acceptUrl, String rejectUrl)
// get the inviter user name (the name of user web script is executed
// under)
String inviterUserName = this.authenticationService.getCurrentUserName();
boolean created = false;
checkManagerRole(inviterUserName, resourceType, siteShortName);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("startInvite() inviterUserName=" + inviterUserName + " inviteeUserName=" + inviteeUserName
+ " inviteeFirstName=" + inviteeFirstName + " inviteeLastName=" + inviteeLastName
+ " inviteeEmail=" + inviteeEmail + " siteShortName=" + siteShortName + " inviteeSiteRole="
+ inviteeSiteRole);
// if we have not explicitly been passed an existing user's user name
// then ....
// if a person already exists who has the given invitee email address
// 1) obtain invitee user name from first person found having the
// invitee email address, first name and last name
// 2) handle error conditions -
// (invitee already has an invitation in progress for the given site,
// or he/she is already a member of the given site
if (inviteeUserName == null || inviteeUserName.trim().length() == 0)
inviteeUserName = null;
Set peopleWithInviteeEmail = this.personService.getPeopleFilteredByProperty(
ContentModel.PROP_EMAIL, inviteeEmail);
if (peopleWithInviteeEmail.size() > 0)
// get person already existing who has the given
// invitee email address
for (NodeRef personRef : peopleWithInviteeEmail)
Serializable firstNameVal = this.getNodeService().getProperty(personRef,
Serializable lastNameVal = this.getNodeService().getProperty(personRef, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME);
String personFirstName = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, firstNameVal);
String personLastName = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, lastNameVal);
if (personFirstName != null && personFirstName.equalsIgnoreCase(inviteeFirstName))
if (personLastName != null && personLastName.equalsIgnoreCase(inviteeLastName))
// got a match on email, lastname, firstname
// get invitee user name of that person
Serializable userNamePropertyVal = this.getNodeService().getProperty(personRef,
inviteeUserName = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, userNamePropertyVal);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
.debug("not explictly passed username - found matching email, resolved inviteeUserName="
+ inviteeUserName);
if (inviteeUserName == null)
// This shouldn't normally happen. Due to the fix for ETHREEOH-3268, the link to invite external users
// should be disabled when the authentication chain does not allow it.
if (!authenticationService.isAuthenticationCreationAllowed())
throw new InvitationException("invitation.invite.authentication_chain");
// else there are no existing people who have the given invitee
// email address so create new person
inviteeUserName = createInviteePerson(inviteeFirstName, inviteeLastName, inviteeEmail);
created = true;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("not explictly passed username - created new person, inviteeUserName="
+ inviteeUserName);
// TODO MER - Is the code block neccessary - seems to do nothing ?
// inviteeUserName was specified
NodeRef person = this.personService.getPerson(inviteeUserName);
Serializable firstNameVal = this.getNodeService().getProperty(person, ContentModel.PROP_FIRSTNAME);
Serializable lastNameVal = this.getNodeService().getProperty(person, ContentModel.PROP_LASTNAME);
Serializable emailVal = this.getNodeService().getProperty(person, ContentModel.PROP_EMAIL);
firstNameVal = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, firstNameVal);
lastNameVal = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, lastNameVal);
emailVal = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, emailVal);
* throw exception if person is already a member of the given site
if (this.siteService.isMember(siteShortName, inviteeUserName))
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Failed - invitee user is already a member of the site.");
Object objs[] = { inviteeUserName, inviteeEmail, siteShortName };
throw new InvitationExceptionUserError("invitation.invite.already_member", objs);
// If a user account does not already exist for invitee user name
// then create a disabled user account for the invitee.
// Hold a local reference to generated password if disabled invitee
// account
// is created, otherwise if a user account already exists for invitee
// user name, then local reference to invitee password will be "null"
final String initeeUserNameFinal = inviteeUserName;
String inviteePassword = created ? AuthenticationUtil.runAs(new RunAsWork()
public String doWork()
return createInviteeDisabledAccount(initeeUserNameFinal);
}, AuthenticationUtil.getSystemUserName()) : null;
// create a ticket for the invite - this is used
String inviteTicket = GUID.generate();
// Start the invite workflow with inviter, invitee and site properties
WorkflowDefinition wfDefinition = this.workflowService
if (wfDefinition == null)
// handle workflow definition does not exist
Object objs[] = { WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WORKFLOW_DEFINITION_NAME };
throw new InvitationException("invitation.error.noworkflow", objs);
// Get invitee person NodeRef to add as assignee
NodeRef inviteeNodeRef = this.personService.getPerson(inviteeUserName);
SiteInfo siteInfo = this.siteService.getSite(siteShortName);
String siteDescription = siteInfo.getDescription();
if (siteDescription == null)
siteDescription = "";
else if (siteDescription.length() > 255)
siteDescription = siteDescription.substring(0, 255);
// create workflow properties
Map workflowProps = new HashMap(16);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITER_USER_NAME, inviterUserName);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITEE_USER_NAME, inviteeUserName);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITEE_EMAIL, inviteeEmail);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_ASSIGNEE, inviteeNodeRef);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITEE_FIRSTNAME, inviteeFirstName);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITEE_LASTNAME, inviteeLastName);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITEE_GEN_PASSWORD, inviteePassword);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_RESOURCE_NAME, siteShortName);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_RESOURCE_TITLE, siteInfo.getTitle());
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION, siteDescription);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_RESOURCE_TYPE, resourceType.toString());
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITEE_ROLE, inviteeSiteRole);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_SERVER_PATH, serverPath);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_ACCEPT_URL, acceptUrl);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_REJECT_URL, rejectUrl);
workflowProps.put(WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_PROP_INVITE_TICKET, inviteTicket);
// start the workflow
WorkflowPath wfPath = this.workflowService.startWorkflow(wfDefinition.getId(), workflowProps);
// complete invite workflow start task to send out the invite email
// get the workflow tasks
String workflowId =;
String wfPathId =;
List wfTasks = this.workflowService.getTasksForWorkflowPath(wfPathId);
// throw an exception if no tasks where found on the workflow path
if (wfTasks.size() == 0)
Object objs[] = { WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WORKFLOW_DEFINITION_NAME };
throw new InvitationException("invitation.error.notasks", objs);
// first task in workflow task list (there should only be one)
// associated
// with the workflow path id (above) should be "wf:inviteToSiteTask",
// otherwise
// throw web script exception
String wfTaskName = wfTasks.get(0).name;
QName wfTaskNameQName = QName.createQName(wfTaskName, this.namespaceService);
QName inviteToSiteTaskQName = WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_INVITE_TASK_INVITE_TO_SITE;
if (!wfTaskNameQName.equals(inviteToSiteTaskQName))
Object objs[] = { wfPathId, WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_INVITE_TASK_INVITE_TO_SITE };
throw new InvitationException("invitation.error.wrong_first_task", objs);
// get "inviteToSite" task
WorkflowTask wfStartTask = wfTasks.get(0);
// attach empty package to start task, end it and follow with transition
// that sends out the invite
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Starting Invite workflow task by attaching empty package...");
NodeRef wfPackage = this.workflowService.createPackage(null);
Map wfTaskProps = new HashMap(1, 1.0f);
wfTaskProps.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_PACKAGE, wfPackage);
wfTaskProps.put(WorkflowModel.PROP_WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_ID, workflowId);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Updating Invite workflow task...");
this.workflowService.updateTask(, wfTaskProps, null, null);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Transitioning Invite workflow task...");
this.workflowService.endTask(, WorkflowModelNominatedInvitation.WF_TRANSITION_SEND_INVITE);
catch (RuntimeException err)
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Failed - caught error during Invite workflow transition: " + err.getMessage());
throw err;
NominatedInvitationImpl result = new NominatedInvitationImpl(workflowProps);
result.setSentInviteDate(new Date());
return result;
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