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Monday, May 3, 2021

Write the json file to hdfs with spark


Pass the valid hdfs path. It will create the single file in overwrite mode

def writeFileToHDFS(fileLocation: String, fileBody : String)(sparkSession: SparkSession) = {
logInfo(s"Write the contents to the file location $fileLocation")
var fsDataOutputStream : FSDataOutputStream = null
try {
val hadoopConf: Configuration = sparkSession.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
val hdfs: FileSystem = org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(hadoopConf)
val exportToFile = new Path(fileLocation)

fsDataOutputStream = hdfs.create(exportToFile)
}catch {
case ex : Exception => logError(s"Error in writing to the file $fileLocation", ex)
throw WriterException(s"Error in writing to the file $fileLocation")
}finally {
logInfo("Closing the writer object")
if(fsDataOutputStream != null){

If we write the dataframe it will create the folder and within that it will write the file

def writeFileToHDFSUsingDataFrame(fileLocation: String, fileBody : String)(sparkSession: SparkSession): Unit ={
import sparkSession.implicits._

Spark Read content of the file as is

 json file

"sharedObjectName": "sharedObjectName",

Spark Code to read the file

def readJSONFileAsIs( location: String)(sparkSession:SparkSession): String ={
logInfo(s"Read the file contents as is from the location $location")
try {
val textFileDataFrame : Dataset[String] = sparkSession.read.textFile(location)
val builder : StringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
val fileContents : String = builder.toString()
logInfo(s"Content of the file $fileContents")

}catch {
case exception: Exception => logError(s"Error in reading the file from the location $location",exception)
throw ConfigException(s"Error in reading the file from the location $location")
