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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Weblogic things to be known

Domain : In the WebLogic Server we can have many domains. Each domain will have one admin server and many managed servers. CLustering can be achieved from only the servers in the same domain

Admin Server : THis server is used to maintain the domain configurations. It maintains servers,machines and Deployments mainly

Managed Server : There can be many managed servers in a domain. The multiple servers can be in the same machine or in the different machine.

Clusters : In one domain we can have many clusters. Each cluster will consist of the set of servers in the same domain. We cannot do clustering between the servers in the different domain.

Heartbeat messages will be used to check the health of each server in the cluster. Either it user unicast/multicast. Multi cast is not much used.

Machines : There can be many physical machines in a domain. Machines will be used while creating servers.

Friday, August 16, 2013

SVN commands in linux

svn info - This command gives information about the repoitory from where the code is been checked out
svn co- Used for checking out the code from svn

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Alfresco Deployment in Weblogic

It is must to install Open office to deploy alfresco in weblogic, else it will throw error and server hangs up.
Even we have to make sure the jodconverter and ooconverter ports are not conflicting if confilct happens then also server will hang. I have attached sample properties to be put.
# Sample custom content and index data location

# Sample database connection properties





